Results of Lineal Client Feedback Survey 2017

client feedback survey 2017

Each year we ask you what we can do to improve, and your feedback helps us make positive changes to the quality of our IT services and support. Here’s how we did in our Client Feedback Survey 2017:

As ever, thank you to everyone who responded to our request for your opinions in Lineal’s Client Feedback Survey 2017 – praise is very encouraging, and constructive criticism extremely useful in improving how we deliver a quality service to a wide range of organisations and businesses.

Overall, an all-time record 96% of you believed we understood your IT queries either ‘Extremely Well’ or ‘Well’, and 88% of you rated the work of Lineal’s IT Support helpdesk service either ‘Good’ or ‘Great.’

Most encouragingly we’re resolving more of your IT queries than ever, more efficiently. More than 56% of you now feel we solve your problems either “Quicker” or “Much Quicker” than expected. This figure has more than doubled during the last 2 years, and we want to develop it further.

There are still areas we need to work on: we’ll be focusing on improving our communication (particularly the speed of call-backs) and ensuring the valued relationship you have with your account managers is maintained as our team grows further.

Lineal’s Net Promoter Score (or ‘NPS’ – an industry benchmark for customer satisfaction measured on a -100 to +100 scale) for 2017 was +52, our best to date.

Your comments also help us get a better sense of how you feel about the human side of business support and adjust accordingly – here were a few of our favourites:

  • You guys are BRILLIANT! 🙂
  • Always quick to respond to issues or queries and all staff are extremely knowledgable
  • Great IT support and team. Perhaps just a little more communication internally is needed. It is sometimes the case that we are told someone will get back to us and they do not. But overall, the problem is usually resolved with friendly people.
  • We find Joe very helpful sorting out any problems we have in a very short time
  • The lines of communication with Lineal have been very good. We have had worthwhile conversations around additional services which Lineal could provide in the future.

Thank you once again to everyone who sent us their feedback this year.