Sharepoint Maximum File Size Increased to 100GB

sharepoint maximum file size

Microsoft have increased the Sharepoint maximum file size upload limit up to 100GB.

Previously limited to 15GB, Microsoft’s powerful cloud-based, centralised file sharing platform used by businesses and enterprise organisations around the world will now permit users to store larger files following Microsoft’s June update.

A default Sharepoint tenant of 1TB could now store up to ten 100GB files – allowing Microsoft 365 users greater flexibility to store or backup longer videos, CAD designs and other typically large filetypes used by specialist software.

This also applies to Microsoft 365 products which use Sharepoint as their underlying technology behind the scenes – such as OneDrive, Stream and Microsoft Teams.

Although Sharepoint is mainly a web-based platform, Microsoft actually recommends anyone uploading files bigger than 1GB to do so using the OneDrive sync client – saving a local copy inside a local desktop folder that itself synchronises with the linked Sharepoint site.

You can learn more about recent updates to Sharepoint here.


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